add support v7 android studio desktop: Support Library | Android Developers,How to add - Stack Overflow,Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows),Android Studio can not find android-support-V7 - Stack Overflow,
While these both provide great Action Bar replacement for targeting pre-HoneyComb devices, Google has recently released Support Library v7, now available on the Component Store, which adds a few nice features including ActionBarCompat.
With Android Studio 3.2 and higher, you can migrate an existing project to AndroidX by selecting Refactor > Migrate to AndroidX from the menu bar. Remove imports having v7 support and import androidx dependencies all over in your project. Add implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0' in your app gradle ( if not added already).
The v7 support library includes all the v4 support libraries, so you don't have to add those separately. A dependency on the v7 support library is included in every new Android Studio project, and new activities in your project extend from AppCompatActivity .
How you setup the Android Support Libraries in your development project depends on what features you want to use and what range of Android platform versions you want to support with your application. This document guides you through downloading the Support…